About APDO

APDO Association of Professional Declutterers and Organisers, the UK’s membership association for decluttering and organising professionals, sets standards, provides professional development and supports the growth of the industry.

What APDO does

The APDO online directory helps UK clients find a local organiser to suit their particular organising or decluttering needs. APDO also devises and leads training courses for professional organisers online.

APDO publishes newsletters and blogs, and uses social media to promote a clutter-free lifestyle.

APDO offers training, mentoring, networking and promotional opportunities to members and supports them to develop and grow their own businesses. It also hosts an annual conference which is open to members and others interested in decluttering and organising.

How APDO is run

APDO is a volunteer-run, not-for-profit organisation, funded entirely by membership fees and income generated through activities such as our training programme and sponsorship. Much of the organisation’s work is performed by members on a voluntary basis. The Board is made up entirely of APDO professional organisers. We have connections with affiliate organisations all over the world and are a member of IFPOA - International Federation of Professional Organising Associations.