06 Nov 2021

Take recycling to a whole new level: Why recycling is more than just 3 bins

1 minute read

Over the past few years we've become accustomed to the variety of recycling bins that we are asked to separate our waste out into. The coloured bins have become a feature of our kerbsides up and down the country and, quite rightly, many people think that by separating out their rubbish in this way, they are doing their bit. But is it enough? And what more can we do?

In the UK we are still only recycling 45.7% of our household waste1, leaving much room for improvement. So here are five ways that we can all do our bit to improve that statistic, and take small steps towards reducing our impact on our planet.

1. What's your exit strategy?

If we are to reduce the amount of waste that goes to landfill every year, we need to start thinking about our exit strategy from the start. When making any purchase, consider what you are going to do with it once you have finished with it? This will help us to make more informed choices as consumers by seeking out more easily recyclable clothing and products. Or you may decide to forego the purchase all together, and instead hire, borrow or go without.

2. Recycle back into the circular economy

Once you have finished with an item, the simple way to keep it out of landfill is to prolong its useful life. It may be easy to take it to the tip, but you may be missing opportunities to donate to local organisations and keep it in the 'œcircular economy.'