07 Nov 2022

15 Clever Ways to Save Money on Food

By adopting some good habits we can save ourselves money on our food.

2 minute read

Here in the UK we throw away 9.5 million tonnes of food each year. This is insane! Right now, approximately 8.4 million people are living in food poverty and this is set to rise as a result of the current cost-of-living crisis.

The good news is that by adopting some good habits we can reduce this figure and also save ourselves some money too. Read on to find out which simple steps you could take to keep your pounds in the bank that can go towards your next food shop or into your savings!

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© Image by Katie Smith
  1. Before you do a food shop, take an inventory of what you already have. Better still, keep an ongoing inventory running by noting down what you run out of each week. This will form your shopping list. It will also stop you from overbuying and help you identify what you really do and don't need.
  2. Use your leftovers to make a meal for the next day. Search for 'leftover' recipes in Google, or ask family and friends for ideas, and away you go.
  3. Use 3 ingredient recipes. They are cost-effective, wholesome and delicious.
  4. Batch cook for the week. This means you will plan your meals while giving you the opportunity to go for healthier options too.
  5. Buy fruit and veg in season- they are cheaper and healthier!
  6. Don't just use half of your oven. Fill it up! Save energy and at the same time cook for more than one day at a time.
  7. Check expiry dates but also remember Best Before dates don't necessarily mean food cannot be eaten. A lot of spices, white rice and dried beans rarely go out of date. Do your research and check before you chuck!
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8. Why not trying growing your own food at home and start a veggie garden - a great long term and sustainable money saver.

9. Set a weekly or monthly budget and aim to stick to it - or even challenge yourself to spend £10 less to save. You could even put it towards an emergency fund.

10. Reduce the amount of meat you use and stock up on vegetables - this will put the £'s back in your pocket.

11. Use your loyalty card every time you shop to gain points and vouchers- they add up quickly.

12. Store your food correctly to avoid unnecessary wastage. Check the fridge manual to ensure the temperature is correct.

13. Use the rind of lemons and limes to infuse your water.

14. Don't just stick to one supermarket. Shop around, look for the best offers, go to markets and farmer's markets.

15. Ask family and friends to share their tips and tricks and share yours too!

Jacqueline McLeod is owner of Bancrofts Organisation Services and is passionate about improving the lives of her clients. 

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