Grow the happiness in your home by bringing the outside in
3 minute read
It’s National Organising Week and at APDO we can’t stop thinking about ways to make your place, your happy space.
Most of us recognise that getting outside and connecting with nature is a fantastic way to boost our wellbeing. But as the nights draw in and the temperature drops, the idea of braving the elements can feel less appealing! Now is the ideal time to think about how we can bring the outside in, so we can continue reaping the benefits of the great outdoors from the comfort of our home.
APDO member Kate Yiannacou shares all the positives that come from introducing elements from nature into our homes, as well as some tips that even the least green-fingered amongst us could try out.
Why plants are our friends

The ‘plant mom’ craze that has grown in recent years isn’t just an aesthetic trend. More and more people are discovering that plants don’t just look good, they can have a huge impact on our happiness and wellbeing.
1. Plants reduce stress and anxiety
One of the most significant benefits of plants is their ability to reduce stress levels. Studies have shown that simply looking at plants can have a calming effect on our bodies, reducing our heart rate and blood pressure. Caring for plants can also encourage us to live in the moment, getting out of our heads to notice small changes to their foliage and to appreciate their beauty. And given how little plants demand of us it can make a change to live with such low-maintenance housemates!
2. Plants boost our mood
Seeing a plant we have nurtured thrive can be a fantastic boost for our self-esteem, and research shows that even just being in a room with a few houseplants is enough to boost our happiness. In fact, the longer we spend surrounded by plants the happier we are likely to be.
3. Plants can increase productivity

An unexpected benefit from having plenty of greenery in our home is the positive impact it has on our productivity. Various studies have demonstrated that having plants in the office helps us to work faster, think more creatively, sharpen our attention and increase memory retention.
How to bring nature inside
If you’re not much of a gardener, don’t worry - there are plenty of houseplants you can try that don’t require much expertise to help them thrive.
Succulents are a great option if you tend to forget to water your plants as they really don’t need much from you to grow. Just a little spritz of water from time to time is enough. In fact, most houseplants need much less water than you think, and you’re much more likely to overwater than underwater!

If you don’t have lots of natural light in your space, don’t be discouraged – there is a range of plants that will still do well in even low-light conditions, such as a trailing pothos or a sword-like snake plant.
And if you really aren’t confident about being able to keep a plant alive in your home, amazingly some of the psychological benefits of having a plant can be experienced through being amongst artificial plants or even looking at photos of beautiful outdoor spaces.
So if you are feeling stressed, or maybe a bit down with the change of the season, do try to make space for some little green friends to boost your mood.
And if you think your home is a bit too cluttered and that finding space would be the first challenge you face, then take a look at our Find an Organiser page and get to know some of the Professional Organisers in your area. There will be an APDO member who would just love to help you create space and serenity in your home.
Kate Yiannacou, founder of Tidy Happy Calm, is a sustainable decluttering coach who helps her online and in-person clients to get past the overwhelm so they can let go of the clutter that is holding them back. She works in the most sustainable way possible and, in the process, helps clients to reduce their ongoing environmental impact.