Back to basics - Bathrooms
2 minute read
The bathroom - how do you see yours? As a sanctuary? A space to nip in & out of when needed? A place where the family dump their laundry and leave toothpaste smears around the sink?
To get from how it looks right now, to how you’d like it to be, there are plenty of simple things you can do to create a calm, functional space.
APDO member Amanda Manson shares some of the tips she's implemented in her own home, or has used with clients, to help you.
1. Keep surfaces clear

In a warm, damp environment it’s important that you can regularly air and clean the space, so keeping surfaces uncluttered is key. Plus, you don’t want guests nipping in to use your loo and being distracted by your teenager’s pimple cream on a windowsill or knickers hanging off the radiator!
2. Contain ‘like with like’ items

The easiest way to avoid clutter spreading is to use simple plastic, wipeable containers or natural rattan baskets to house similar items together, be it on a windowsill, in a cupboard or drawer, or on the side of the bath. Think make-up removers, face creams and lotions in one. Hair accessories, sprays & serums in another, and sanitary items in a third. Whatever makes sense to you.
3. Daily -vs- occasional use

Another way to group together might be to pop all the things you use daily – face wash, cream, toothpaste, hair mousse, vitamins – into one container, leaving ‘pamper’ items like face masks, hair soaks and scrubs in another. These are likely the things you’d use in a more intentional way, so don’t need to be ‘in your face’ daily.
4. Replacements
It’s easy to get distracted by the 3 for 2 offers on toiletries, but if you don’t have sufficient space in your bathroom, you might be storing up problems for yourself in the long run. Assess what you already have, work out what’s missing, and get an idea of how often things might need replacing or topping up. Pop a note in your diary, online list, or on a notepad, of what you need and when.
5. Gifted items
We’ve all received a pack of soap that lay unopened for ages or creams for a skin type that didn’t match our own. Don’t let these take up your valuable space: re-gift, pass on to other family or friends, donate to a refuge or other charitable organisation (you can find local causes via the Toiletries Amnesty website). No point in holding onto something that you’ll never use, right?
6. Towels

Think where and how you’ll store towels. Heated towel rails, wall hung rails and stand-alone racks all work well to allow drying and air flow for those used daily. Keep spares outside of the bathroom in an airing cupboard, hall unit or in below-bed drawers if you can, to keep them fresh, avoiding any bacteria from humidity. Hand towels always slipping off a towel ring? Sew or clip a small hook onto the corner and pop onto a wall hook instead.
7. Cleaning supplies
Necessary as they are, you don’t really want to be staring at a bleach bottle when brushing your teeth! Invest in a small, discreet container for your cleaning items. Alternatively, if you’ve space, larger cabinets like these can house both cleaning items along with surplus toiletries.
What might you try today to restore some calm in your space? Try one of the above and see if it makes a difference for you! And if you'd like a little extra help, find your local Professional Organiser using our member directory.