21 Mar 2025

Passing on life skills for future generations

3 minute read

Passing on life skills means equipping future generations with the knowledge and habits they need to navigate life effectively. Many essential skills, such as personal and home organisation, are not typically taught in schools - this is where you can make a difference.

APDO member Victoria Fearnley shares practical advice on becoming a role model in organisation and introduces the concept of Swedish Death Cleaning which, despite its name, is far from scary!

The Importance of Teaching Decluttering and Home Organisation Skills

Most people can relate to the negative impact that clutter has on mental health and daily life. Struggling to find what you need, feeling overwhelmed by mess, or even having trouble concentrating or sleeping are common issues.

If you grew up in a cluttered home, breaking away from that norm may feel liberating, but it can also be emotionally challenging - bringing up feelings of guilt or embarrassment, and even manifesting itself in procrastination. However, by taking control of your current situation, acknowledging these emotions and focusing on the present with the future in mind, you can break free from clutter. Leading by example is one of the most valuable life lessons you can pass on to inspire younger generations to get and stay organised.

Practical Ways to Pass on Life Skills
  • Lead by example by establishing good systems in your home and adopting organised habits. Regular decluttering, designated spaces for different categories of items and scheduling household tasks like laundry and cleaning all help reinforce structure.
  • Mar-2025-passing-on-life-skills-decluttering.png Encourage participation by delegating and involving family members in tidying and decluttering. The goal isn’t perfection - it’s about building responsibility and gaining hands-on experience.
  • Be a mindful shopper. Show restraint when it comes to bulk buying, impulse shopping and using shopping as a treat (which can become addictive). Prioritise quality over quantity, buy second-hand where possible and focus on sustainable consumption.
  • Promote experiences over possessions. Instead of buying material gifts, opt for experiences like cinema tickets, ice-skating, afternoon tea or a spa day. Lead by example by requesting non-material gifts for yourself.
  • Teach the value of giving. Donate outgrown or unused items to charity shops to foster empathy and generosity. Choose a favourite charity as a family and make decluttering a positive, purposeful habit.
Inspiration Through Swedish Death Cleaning

If you're struggling with motivation to start decluttering, perhaps a dose of Swedish Death Cleaning could help. Contrary to what the name suggests, it’s not sad, morbid or uncomfortable. Instead, it’s about taking responsibility for your belongings so your loved ones won’t have to. If this could be the push you need, read on!

What is Swedish Death Cleaning?
  • The term was coined by Swedish author Margareta Magnusson in 2017 when she published her book Döstädning – The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning.
  • Döstädning translates to "death cleaning", which may sound harsh at first, but the concept is actually refreshing. It encourages you to be intentional about what you keep and why. A key takeaway from the book:

"A loved one wants to inherit nice things from you, but not ALL things from you."

  • The book is an easy read, following Margareta’s journey as she sorted through her parents’ belongings and prepared her own possessions for the future. She offers practical advice on handling tricky categories like photographs, memorabilia and heirlooms.
  • Losing someone is already difficult - by managing your belongings in advance, you ease the burden on your family and gain peace of mind knowing it’s done.

Margareta encourages everyone, regardless of age, to start the process - even if it's just initiating a conversation with loved ones or actually starting to sort some paperwork. Periodically revisiting your decisions ensures they remain relevant as life evolves. So why not give it a go? Lead by example - this process is just as much for you as it is for those who will one day be left to manage your belongings.

If you would like a professional to support you in making decisions about your things, take a look at APDO's  organiser directory to find your local contact.


Book: Döstädning - The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning by Margareta Magnusson
TV Show: The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning – Available free on UKTV

Victoria Fearnley, founder of Surrey Decluttering, was born in Sweden and has lived in the UK for the past 30 years. A professional organiser based in Virginia Water, she is a strong advocate of Swedish Death Cleaning.


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