Started in 2016 during the APDO National Organising Week campaign week, Donate-a-Day gives APDO members the opportunity to volunteer their time and expertise to a worthy charity for a day.

While APDO members regularly work closely with charities through way of donations from clients, this is an opportunity to give back to the community interest groups, not-for-profits and charities that need more than just donation support. The ethos of APDO members is to support and help others and with that in mind APDO has decided to create an opportunity for its members to continue that support through Donate-A-Days during the main APDO campaign weeks (Spring Clearing Week and National Organising Week) and at other opportunities throughout the year.

If you’re a charity, not-for-profit or community interest group that could do with some help, fill in the form at the bottom of this page.

Please note that filling in the form does not automatically qualify you for the support. Should you be successful you will be contacted for further information and to make arrangements.



If selected for a donate-a-day when will it happen?

Typically donate-a-days take place during the two APDO Campaign weeks (SCW and NOW) which take place in March and September. However there may be other dates available throughout the year but if successful we’ll be in contact to arrange directly.

We have a big job we need help with. Can more than one organiser help?

Yes potentially! This depends on location and member availability but our members have worked together in teams before on donate a days. How much help is available can be discussed once you have made your application.

Will everyone who applies automatically be eligible for selection?

You must be a registered community interest company, charity or not-for-profit organisation. APDO will endevour to find someone who is available to offer support, however we cannot guarantee that there will be anyone available in your area able to help.

Can we choose a date of our own for the support?

Dates will need to be discussed with the member or members who are supporting you in order to find a mutually convenient date.

If we’ve received support from donate-a-day before, can we receive it again?

We aim to be as fair as possible and support each business at least once, wherever possible. However as our donate-a-days are provided by our members, it all depends on their availability, the number of members available and the location of the chosen company as to whether help can be offered.

What areas do you cover?

We can potentially cover the whole of the UK, however availability depends on the locations of members at the time of the request. We may struggle to support those in more remote areas, however it is always worth an ask!

If selected but for some reason can no longer receive the hands-on help, is there a cash alternative?

Unfortunately if you’re unable to allow for the donate-a-day to take place as planned there is no cash alternative. Our members, who are independent business owners in their own right, are giving up their valuable time to support for free. Neither APDO nor the members are paid for time spent on donate-a-days.


I understand that by filling out this form I am asking APDO to help put me and/or the organisation I represent in touch with an independent organiser who is a member of the association and that the details provided will be shared with them. I understand that whilst APDO will do its best to find a volunteer, it is not entering into an agreement to complete any work, nor is it guaranteed that an organiser will be available to assist.